Assalammualaikum w.b.t..It's been about a year tht i didnt update my blogspot. actually life change so much since March 2013. today, i am a teacher at SK Siburan Batu. it's a big school but syukur i got so many gud frens there.officially teacher. DG41. Alhamdulillah, praise Allah for this nikmat. officially a carier woman and now i own a car. Alza 1.6 QAA****E, white n acessories coz i'm juz a simple person yet jimat monthly payment than full acessories car. hehe. Actually there so much things happens since i left maktab nov 2012. last year, may 2013, i graduated as a degree holder in Program Ijazah Sarjana Muda, Remedial Education in Second Upper Class. Although me disappoint with my owh final result but thanx, syukur Alhamdulillah tht i manage to graduate on time n get my own degree. Then, Sptember 2013, Alhamdulillah, mak n bapak finally being called n dijemput ke Tanah Suci Mecca to perform their hajj. i've incharged of house since their absence. it's a really tough job as an elder sister. i cried a lot n it's a tense moment. Syukur Alhamdulillah again, bapak n mak back home safely. thanks 4 everyone who were owez there to help us during every Khamis mlm Jumaat's tahlil ceremony esp my ibuks n makngah. then, right 2 days after my parents back from hajj, Lena graduated as a degree holder in Science Social. It's actually already in October. Then today, as i come back 2 write in this blog, i juz would like 2 say that, i thank Allah for everything tht happens in my life. ALthough my dreams to be post or to teach to Sabah or Labuan seems fail, but i agree that being close 2 our own family is the happiest feeling i can't even get anywhere. I might lost everyhing people name experience teaching in a rural area, but somehow, i gained the lesson to be more understandable with family probs. actually i wan 2 write more but i lost my idea. InshaAllah i update some.
Sekali-Sekala Menulis, Mana Cukup Satu
2 months ago
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