Okay, back to the topic. My new life as a single person is quite simple and I can say is lighter. Well, now I dun have to think think and think bout someone else. I’m just focusing about my life and future , my family life and my friends’ life. That’s it. Hurm, well, for this tyme being I’m not ready to have any commitment even tough majority of my friends are involved in it. Even some of my classmates are getting engaged and married in a short time. Sometimes this thought really disturbing me most coz at the age of 24, I’m supposed to have my own boyfriend right now..but this is new era and some people believe that there’s no need to rush for those thing and I’m agree with ‘em.when I talk with my friend of how’s their preparation, I think that’s so so so so complicated. And I’m sure for now, I’m really not ready to have a marriage plan in my head. I still remember, “someone” has told me. “marriage is fun and interesting, but keeping the marriage is hard and need more and xtra work” . He’s true coz in marriage, we shouldn’t think bout being together with your love ones only but you must keep yourself ready with the life after that. And of coz, for a better marriage, you have to get ready with it (cooking, emotionly, economically, mengemas, etc). I’ve also have a talk with my mom this week and we talk about my friends getting married. She says that “no need to get worried, get your life stabile first and be patient. One day you’ll find your own right man. Look at my office mate, she’s quite “berumur” sket, but she finally married with bukan calang2 orang and she deserved it. InsyaAllah, Allah gave you the right person when the time has come .“ Hurm, mak, I’ll keep that as a motivation. Hehe
Life as a single person is simple and simple and simply delicious..hehe..honestly although sometimes I felt so lonely from not texting and calling “someone”, but for this time being I think it’s okay. i’m actually a person who like to be in front of the television all the time when at home and I hate to be in my room all day long coz it make me rimas. My kpg has a line problem (all my friend know this) and I have to put my hp at the corner of my room. And I really hate to keep be in my room all the time waiting for sms or call as I have a very difficult time to do all this. Tht’s why all my handphones when I’m still in relationship will always be my major destroy when the phone can’t reach the line . Ya dolok2 la, kinek xda agik..yala sbb hdup single..hehe so, I’m free from the phone craziness.
One more difference i've experience since being single is my phone will officially turned off during the time i'm going to bed. if before this, i'll keep my phone always on all the time coz i'm afraid i'll miss any sms or calls from him. But now, nothing 2 worry about. mun dolok, bgayut dtelepon ya adalah pkara yg mesti n mesej tiap masa adalah pkara yg wajib dlakukan tiap hari. skali xmesej, rasa plek jak hari ya..mun dolok, charger adalah pkara yg harus dbawa mun plang ke kpg tp kenk, charging hdphone pun 3hari skali..byangkan...3 hari sekali, bukannya 3kali sehari, okay??byangkan betapa single nya hdup i skrang n bayangkan betapa tedanya peminat yg bminat nak ngorat i yg single nih skarang..haha..duh, prasan..haha..
Being in a relationship and being a single person has a large difference as you all know. Postpaid credit, your time, your mission, your heart, your tears and all your life are not set to someone else. Actually being in a relationship is an addiction. One you involve in relationship, then it’s hard for you not to have a relationship for a period of time in case you’ll strong enough and xda orang masuk kacau daun..hehe..if I’m can go back at the time, I’ll never let my heart falling in love and getting hurt by Mr. WrongS. But somehow, I would like to thank them for letting me experiencing one of the "life" process..Talking about how my life single is myb boring 4 u 2 read but it’s a fun life actually. Pliz try it sometimes..haha..mmg bnyak agik kbaikan especially utk para an-nisa'. (i serahkan buat lavender biru utk kluarkan smua2 fakta islamiah)..
"Cinta pada bunga, bunga akan layu. Cinta pada manusia, manusia akan mati. Cinta pada Allah, adalah sebenar-benar cinta sejati."
p/s But somehow, I rather choose being in love than being single next time..:) tp of cozla dgn cra yg lbih halalan toyyiban.. sp yg rasa2 mok try test, sila sdiakan hntaran berupa seekor kuda putih yang amazing lok..hahahah..xda men gerek2 da knek tok, jerak bha. Mun mok, trus kawen..haha, ada bran???
yaahhhh!!!ituuuu diaaa..!! terbaekkkkk..!! i loike it uuuuuu...ehehe,,klak u nggu jak edisi i..x kompom la best nk,yg pnting jln cta mau ada...ahahha.. - naib sdpo- ^^*