Tempat :
1. taman bunga yang sangat dipenuhi dengan bunga..

Masa : Sepanjang hari
Aktiviti: duk2 n jalan2 smbil kaka2 psl khidupan.mun dkt tpi pntai@kwasn pgunungan ya ada buaian lagi best. Dapat suh my beloved ones tolak buaian ya sampenya penat..hehe.n masa ya I hope that we were free from any daily life business.
K, sampe cia jak imaginasi yg dpt I bayangkan..hehe..xbley imagin lebey2.it’s the person that bring the best moment @perfect first date for me.I dun mind actually where he would like to take me to asalkan dapat sama jak ngn my beloved ones. Must bear in mind that who I imagine as my beloves one is my one and only hunsband. I do hope that my first date with my husband will come true..AminJ
p/s: pliz ignore my grammatical error..hehe
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