Since after resigned from my work that holiday, I, sumhow become even more interested in cooking and trying some new recipes..(ahaks, mentang2 keja kdai makan ;p) I hope that my cooking skill will increase better from now on and never disappointing my future husband and my mother-in-law..ahaks!! Those were some dishes that I've tried this holiday..Although it's just a simple recipe but at least I manage to cooked it by MYSELF!!hehe

Pancake..Yummy!The taste is sooo pleasant..suitable for kids especially for breakfast.We can also added some chocolate chips @ strawberry chips @ chocolate rice @ cheese for more "happy" taste :P

Daging Masak Black Pepper..Wallah..;p

Ayam Masak Butter..Simply Nice and Easy!!

Ayam Masak Kurma..My father even added his rice and asked for more..hehe
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