Assalammualaikum wbt..
it's been an ages since I last blogging. missing those moments when I have a lot of time writing and a great assessibility to online. skrg mcm apa jak line..huhu..tok pun make line kpg tnpa wayar..well, enough babbling.. it's been almost a year when I didn't post anything here. n a lot of things happening in my life. great, sad, surprise n everything is mixing up. traveling? not yet coz it seems that I need to stabilize my life first.
my first posting is only near to my house. about 30mins like that from my kampong. Alhmdulillah but also a sad thing for me as I really like to explore another rplace at this young ages. but Allah knows best. now I'm a real teacher, cant believe my eyes too but yeah, it's REAL!! n luckily I'm teaching my major, Remedial Education too. life is a surprise right n rezki masing-masing mmg Allh da tetapkan sejak di Loh Mahfuz lagi.
everyone is meneruskan hidup masing-masing. Past is past n I'm always learning to be a better person than yesterday. life must go on. it's always moving n yet never stop until Hari Perbicaraan. Being a person with so many things happening (since I already 27 years old now;p), I learned that hidup bukanlah seindah mimpi. optimistic n be patient n never give up. you're always learning n hargai orag disekeliingmu. Bersyukur tiap hari atas nikmat yang Allah kurniakan. tiada apa2 yang sia-sia dalam penciptaan Allah. n we are moving towards our final destiny, so be ready n always made a preparation. Actually I had a lot to talk but it seems that my words still scrabbling with themselves inside my head. so I left them until they realize they're too late to come out..haha.. last but not least, I love my family, my friends and all my saudara outside there. PrayForGaza,PrayForPalestine,PrayForMH370,PrayForIslam.
Selamat Tahun Baru 2025
4 weeks ago
hello sis!!!!!! <3