Agree or not, but the fact is we human, really do lives our life depending and worrying on other people's perceptions...
Some people may not care about outsiders perceptions, but they care about how people would think about their family if they act certain way...
Kids grew up being mock with, questions and words that wants them to think or care about others perceptions...
Adults tend to makes decision and take their own action due to people perceptions of their family...
This world is getting twisted...
The only perception that we need to care is Allah SWT...
Coz He's the one who's going to decide where you can be in the hereafter...no one else...
thinking about others judgement or perception tends to come from the lack of gratitude thoughts in our mind and heart...
When you feel grateful and realize that, all you want is just the blessing from Him, you won't care about what other people say about you or think about you...as long as you know what you're doing are in the right path...
Believe me, i know it's hard to be grateful when you always gets thing but not the one that you really want...
As an old Ulama' saying used to say, "to feel grateful, don't look up to what people have...but look to the one's who doesn't get to have anything including what they really need.."
We humans, tends to forget...we whine and says that "it's not enough"..."this is not what I want"..."i want the bigger ones"...and that sort of things...but we never feel grateful on what we have...especially when we were born perfectly perfect with both working eyes, both hearing ears, nose that smells, mouth that speaks, hands that moves, legs that runs and heart that beats...we forget how lucky we are to be perfect...how beautiful we are to have all of those...all you see in the outside appearance is just a mask...what really matter is how beautiful you grew you heart and soul instead of seeding it with darkness...
I'm not perfect in the department too...I know...I'm still learning to be as good as I can be...
I used to be the girl who always whine and says how unlucky I am...how unlove I am...
but Alhamdulillah~, He gave me the Light and showed me how Lucky I am..how much Love I received from my surroundings...
and I feel greater gratitude when I read a story from "Separuh Syukur, Separuh Sabar" book which I read recently...it goes like this:
"So Gabriel (the angel) was sent to the earth to ask the cow, is he happy to be created to be a cow...and the cow answer, "I am very much grateful to be created as a cow than to be created as a bat who bath with their own pee"...and Gabriel went to seek the bat and ask the same question, and the bat answer," I am grateful to be born as a bat than to be born as a worms who have to walk around on his stomach and live in the dark soil"...and so, Gabriel went and seek the worm and ask the same thing..so the worm answer,"I am grateful to be born as a worm than to be born as a human who keeps on doing sins and never realize the great thing Allah have given to them..".."
So, you see, even animals can see how pitiful we are to be born as ignorant human who never be grateful for what we have...
Let's try to learn and be grateful even for little things in our daily lives....if we have no money, be patient and fast...in the end of the day, Allah will give us something that we need in return without us knowing it...
if we have no gf or bf, learn to be a better person yourself, then that right person will find you at the right time...if we have problems with our family, be patient and just smile...just pray that in the end, they will change their mind..if not, just make sure you'd be a good daughter or son to your parents even though it kills you, coz Allah will always forgive the dutiful children who respect their parents as long as it's not a sin...
Allah is always there for us, so why don't we strive to be there to remember Him all the time too...
Even when you think you have no one, Allah is there...go to Him, and He will run to you~<3
Lots of Love,
-Aziey Aj 2011-
p/s thank dear:)
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