Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Alhamdulillah, bebanan selama 4 tahun akhirnya telah terlepas dari bahu hari tok..syukur glk2 kehadrat Allah sbb memudahkan segalanya. kerja keras kamekorag secara berlebih-lebihan selamak 2bulan akhirnya membuahkan hasil..segala penat lelah kmkorang mengangkut portfolio dr makmal ke bilik latihan, berjaga print smeua barang dr sem 1 PISMP smape sem8 PISMP, berkampung dmaktab selama sebulan waima pd hjung minggu alhamdulillah sangat membahagiakan. walau susah perit yang kmkorang lalui, kamekorang hadapinya bersama2 dgn kwn2 yng sangt membantu esp geng Sky Garden n semua badge PISMP jan09 . Xda perkataan lain yang dapat digambarkan bagi mengungkap kesyukuran selamak tok..mcm2 jak pertegalahan pndapat dalam kalangan rakan-rakan, psya, dgn kesibukan praktkum n esemen n internship xsgka kmkorang dpt mghadpinya dgn baik..Allah ng tauk kmkorang mmpu lakukannya..dgan segala pujian dr pihak MQA n institut ya sangat menghargai segala usaha kamekorang..sesungguhnya smua pihak amat berperan besar dalam menjayakan segala-galanya, bukan haya semasa bercakap tyme kenak interview tp semasa polah portfolio, smassa kemas bilik k smpan portflio, bbm, skongn mak bapak esp part duit n kesabaran n kerja keras cikgu yusop selamak tok khasnya..makasih banyak2 ngan Encik Yusop malie yang sangat membantu dalam MQA tok..kedatangan  MQA tok sbanrnya tlah mmbuktikan kpd semua bahawa PISMP Pemulihan Jan 09 boleh mengharumkan nama IPG Kampus Batu Lintang. Aku xmalu untuk perkenalkan diri aku sebagai guru pemulihan sebab aku memang bangga dgn coarse tok..sgt2 bangga sbb kmkorang badge pertama dMalaysia, pertama diaudit oleh MQA dlm coarse tok n pertama yg dapt Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pendidikan Perguruan dalam bidang Pemulihan..Alhamdulillah, wp kmkorang tok kebanyakannya penengkar bak kata Sheeda n Win, pasya salu dilupakan oleh warga IPG, tp kmkorang ttp gigih berdiri n mempertahankan hak biak pemulihan. Maafla mun post tok buat orang rasa ingga baca tp mun x kt sndirik yg ptahankan hak kita, siapa agik nak?orang luar hanya akan bercakap2 tp mereka ssh untuk bertindak demi kesejahteraan orang lain..Dunia bha ini..memang tidak adil..lumrah yang sudah diketahui sejak azali lagi.tahniah skali lagik ngn smua classmates, Jabatan Ilmu Pendidikan IPG KBL n smua PISMP Pemulihan Jan 09 seluruh Malaysia sbb sering berik tips, kerjasama n dorongan kpd msing2..InsyaAllah kt jmpa juak klak tyme konvo..Amin:)  hurm, malas mok cita pnjang, cekedaoutla dbah gmbar2 fail kmkorang...hehe..

Tpi, sejurus lepas habis MQA tok, xbley nak senang lenangnya ilek2 sbb 2 hari dr skarang, kmkorang pelu bentang action research yang dah dpolah selamak tok..alhamdulillah, stakat tok, bmbingn dr doktor zohara sgt membantu..nya pun cr polah ar ng snagt snang tp kmkorang ng xphm sbb crnya xda dlm buku..aku hrpla cikgu zohara dpt polah buku kedirik ajar cmne polah action research caranya yg lebih sennag..wp kmkorang agak pressure sbb selalu diberi penekanan akibt xhantr2 draft laporan n artikel ngnnya tp caranya sbnrnya amat membantu kmkorang utk mnghasilkan laporan yng lbih bgus..cuma terpulang kpd individu ya sndirikla smda nya mok perbetulkanx kesalahan yang dah diberikan..hehe..bha2, doakan jak kmkorang bentang klak ah..atleastla lpas ar tok bley lega skit sbb assignment sem 8 smua da hbis, tggal exam final year, exam n assignmnet KISSM n interview jak agik..InsyaAllah, Allah tauk yg kmkorang mmpu..:) Percaya kepada Allah n seterusnya usha n twakal..

p/s bnyk kslhn ejaan sbb polah tgh pagi, curi masa skit utk polah pembetulan bab 5 ar..hehe

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Luulin lämmittely illalla..

હું માંગો છો હું તેમને વારો કદી જાણતા ફરીથી પરંતુ હું હજુ પણ તેને વારો બધું સાંભળ્યું. શા માટે મારા હૃદય? એક પીડા આવી પરંતુ હું દુનિયા કે હું તેને કારણે ઉદાસી છું બતાવશો કરશે. તે નકામું છે. મારી આંખો માટે રુદન કરવા માંગો છો, પરંતુ મારા હૃદયની તે નથી દો મને આશા કરશે. તેઓ સ્થળ છે કે અમે એક વાર હંમેશા જાઓ જાઓ. પરંતુ પૃથ્વી પર શા માટે છે કે તે અમારી યાદોને વિષે કશું ન લાગે છે? ઓહ, આઇ ભૂલી ગયા છે કે તે ખુશ હવે .. હા, મને તમારા માટે શ્રેષ્ઠ પ્રાર્થના .. પરંતુ મને આશા છે કે જ્યારે પણ તું મને જોવા માટે, તેને તમે કોઈને જે હંમેશા માટે તમે રાજી નથી કોઈને તમે જે પ્રયાસ કરી રહ્યા ટાળવા બનાવવા પ્રયાસ યાદ અપાવે છે તમારા જીવન.

Gloomy Sunday

sdar xdar pdhal dkat nak tiga mnggu kuang kuit ngabas pak nek dhospital..nothing much to say..always pray to Allah so that He could ease everything for us..tdik jmpa aref dhospital..rupanya hntr mak angkatnya..huhu..i think i should praised him coz he still contacted his adopted family although it's been a while..not like sum1 that i used 2 know.  opps..smoga sentiasa ditambahkan kekuatan dan keimanan..and everyday i wish that everyone could always stay stronger..:)

p/s pelu ka post get well soon kt fb so that everyone knw bout u all?kali xda kt k msej kot? kali aku ptt juak post sumthg kt fb bout my grandpa admit dhospital so that everybody will know..~modehingganyawaku~lantakla mun ko da bc post tok, eh xmungkinla sbb ngga muka aku tyme kissm agik ko xmok..aku taukla aku beban ko slamk tok n i wont say sorry bout that. i'm happy coz dpt sshkn hdup ko, bkn salu aku kaka jaik cmtok..huhu..bkn niat aku mok lalek ngn ko,sumpah lgsg xlalek tp i dunno why on earth tht everynody around me keep telling me bout you..annoying and really disturb my mood for the past 3days..u happy, keep ur life also want to proceed with my happy life..

Saturday, September 22, 2012


それは午前中に2.30だと、突然私はbackyard.theyの家はquarellingように見える私の隣人house.itさんから大きな声を聞いた.. HUHU..それはとても騒々しく、非常に無駄ですので、私はとても怖く感じています。しかし、私は誰の叫びを聞いてませんでした..男の声と子供の音だけ。私は、彼らがabout.iこれは私は彼らがけんかを初めて聞いていないと思われるものを話している知っていることができるように、私は中国語の言語を理解することがしたい.. HUHU..私は私の隣人を知らないのではないものの...何も悪いことが起こるをお祈りしていませんが、私それでも彼らを愛し、あなたは知ってい.. HUHU..

살 재미있는 방법

મને ખબર છે કોઇને Google અનુવાદ માં આ અનુવાદ કરવાનો પ્રયાસ પરંતુ જણાએ મને તમે એક ફૂલ .. hahaha કરી શકો છો કરશે ... હું ખરેખર આ તેથી શું મજા લાગે .. ચિંતા n એ મારા બ્લોગની મુલાકાત માટે કોઈપણ રીતે આભાર .. ડાબી ટિપ્પણીઓ yeay :) 



Friday, September 21, 2012

At this moment, I really miss Him a lot..Not a man but the One that creates me, Allah Ya Rabb..Innalillahiwainnailaihirojiun..

MQA and Action Research in Action!!

Assalammualaikum..actually, i'm still busy preparing for my action research presentation next week but i think i would like to spend a lil time to share bout what i'm going to talk.. i'm getting nervous but excited at the same week will be the busiest week and most important week coz MQA also will come to check on our Remedial Education programme on 25th of September (Tuesday); to determine whether our badge is qualified to get the degree or not..huhu..actually we prepare a lot for their coming and waited on the past June to come but keep been delayed for some reason..and finally they are coming now..pliz pray a lot for us..PISMP Pemulihan in other IPG such as Pulau Pinang, Prempuan Melayu Melaka, Tawau n etc had oredy been observed and interviewed..hope everything goes well and hope all of our hard word will be paid with the highest qualification..Aminn.. And right after our MQA, we should get ready for the reharsal of our presentation or action research seminar. Me, will be presenting my research on the second day of seminar which is on 28th of September, Friday, 2nd participant, 0800 to 0830 am. PISMP Pemulihan will be present all of their researchs in Bilik Latihan..Do support us later,k??hehe.. As what all of u read bout my abstract, yes I would like to stress out bout my research, how VAKT approach helps Year 2 remedial pupils to write their names correctly. I do hope that I can present well and I am really proud to share all of my finding with juniors and everyone. Me, doakan smua PISMP ambilan Januari 2009 can do their best!!.Chaiyo2 fren, we are getting near towards the 'gold' that we dig..dun give up and strive 4 da best, ya!! 




PISMP Pemulihan Januari 2009
IPG Kampus Batu Lintang


Penyelidikan tindakan ini dijalankan untuk melihat bagaimana kaedah VAKT membantu murid pemulihan Tahun Dua menulis nama dan diperkemaskan dengan penggunaan buku garis tiga, pernomboran dan teknik Smart Cilik  serta bagaimana kaedah ini menambahbaik amalan kendiri saya sebagai seorang guru . Penyelidikan ini berlangsung selama lapan minggu. Data dikumpul melalui kaedah pemerhatian, temu bual dan analisis dokumen. Data dianalisis melalui analisis kandungan  yang kemudian disemak menggunakan trigulasi kaedah dan sumber. Hasil penyelidikan menunjukkan kaedah VAKT berkesan dalam membantu murid pemulihan Tahun Dua menulis nama dengan betul. Penyelidikan ini memberikan implikasi yang mendalam terhadap murid dan penyelidik sendiri terutamanya dalam strategi dan kaedah dalam sesi pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Penyelidikan untuk membantu murid pemulihan dalam mengenal bentuk huruf dan menulis huruf dengan betul dengan menggunakan kaedah yang sama dijadikan sebagai cadangan tindakan susulan.

Kata kunci : Kaedah VAKT, menulis nama, buku garis tiga, pernomboran sebagai label, teknik Smart Cilik

Monday, September 17, 2012

The Perishers - Let's Write Something Down

Let´s write something down
Let us come clean
Before you leave town
Let´s write something down

I don´t want it all
I just want what´s mine
While you´re still around
Let´s write something down
Would you care to know
That I forgot someone like you
Would you care to know
Would you care to know
That it wasn´t hard to do

Let´s write something down
Let´s gather our troops
Before you leave town
Let´s write something down

I don´t wanna fight
I wanna make up
While you´re still around
Let´s write something down

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

What makes me happy??

To see all those cute and colorful things!! happy I too old for this excitement?like i care!!haha...

Juz a lil note..

This is actually what am i doing for da last 3's okay coz its nothing i could say anymore:)

Zee Avi- Someone You Used To Know (w/lyrics on screen)

It was helpless anyway
There's nothing much we could do or say
Darling don't you think it's a shame?
That it had to end this way

So here's to say goodbye, 
Our love is lost, and we can't figure why
Maybe it really is about time
That we finally made up our minds

So Darling, here's to you
I hope that when you find someone new
That she would always be true to you
To love and understand you

Soon you'll build new memories
Then slowly you'd forget about me
Then I would slowly be
A distant memory
[ Lyrics from: ]

*Soon I'll just be
That someone you used to know
But darling you will thank me
For letting you go
Time is not for wasting
I hope you'll find your intended
But I'm sorry
That your intended isn't me

It's not an easy thing
To shake off our history
I know that's what you want from me
But they will always stay with me

I admit I made mistakes
But darling with you it's just the same
If we stay there will be more to make
I don't know how much more we can take

Darling, it would be unfair
To stay with something no longer there
It's not that I no longer care
I'd feel like a burden you cannot bear

Zee Avi - I Am Me Once More (Lyric)

No, I really don't think soThat you think I'd be incapable of being on my ownNo, I really don't think soThat I would for a second let you back in through my door
I have spent many a nightsEven when you are by my sideI shed tears I couldn't dryI shed tears I couldn't dry
But I should thank you forTaking my blindfold off nowI ain't jaded no more, no moreAnd I take pride in being the one that said goodbyeThat could only mean I am me, once more
You would turn your head the other waySo you won't have to listen to what I have to sayYou assume that I needed youBut you didn't realize that I needed no one but myselfI needed no one but myself
But I should thank you forTaking my blindfold off nowI ain't jaded no more, no moreAnd I take pride in being the one that said goodbyeThat could only mean I am me, once more
That could only mean I am me, once moreThat could only mean I am me, once more

Friday, September 7, 2012

Buzy September

Assalammualaikum..this entry is made by me(ofcozla) in a middle of the buzyness (got meh this word?) of my   final year student..2 months more to be left and i'm over excited by thinking that i'm gonna be a real teacher soon. but surely i must finish my last and final action research as a degree teacher-trainee. Actually doing this research really need inspiration and determination coz for the last 4 days, i didn't manage to make any progress on my research really worrried coz by this time being, i should finish doing all the report, presentations and articles but i am stuck at chapter 4 where i should analyze all the data that i got from the students. I am guaranteed that i can finished all this by the end of september but i hope that i can make them in a very gud quality..Aminn..hehe, so that's the end of my post..nothing to share just wanted 2 express my feeling..:) Salam Asar

Thursday, September 6, 2012


This post is especially for my dear besfren, Cik Sheeda Ssi..

I know it's been 4 years since she left..
And today is her 57th birthday..
I didn't mean to make you sad nor cry
But I just want you to know that you are really strong dear
I admire you for your braveness
by accepting the reality and rise up from the sadness
You never gave up yet you always pray for her happiness in Jannah
You know that Allah loves her more..

Dear, I know you've face with a lot of lost in your life 
But Allah knows that you are strong..
He never test his servant over or exceeds your ability..
This is the sign that He always love and care of you..
He know that with this obstacles in your life, you'll be brand new "sumone" with a better life and better personality..

Dear, this post is specially made for you..
I dunno whether this would comfort you or make you even sad..
But what I can see since our 5 years relationship is;
You've actually already success in your life.
You're really a gud and beautiful friend and daughter,
Although you get crazy sumtimes but that makes you unique..
I'm glad that Allah made us meet and become a very good friend..
Let's we pray for her happiness and 
xlmk agik kt akan dpt emas ya..Chaiyo2!! :) 

Monday, September 3, 2012

Shahir Af8-Aku Yang Berdosa (lirik)

Sejauh mana
Langkah ku di sana
Aku melupakan Mu
Seluas mana
Kau beri padaku
Masih ku angkuh pada-Mu

Segalanya dusta
Gelap mengaburi ku
Ya Allah
Apa yang bisa
Ku tebus kepada-Mu
Atas dosaku
Ya Allah
Ku hina terasa
Biar ku bersujud
Untuk ke syurga-Mu


Saya gembira sudah..alhamdulillah..kebenaran sudah terbukti dan saya bersyukur Allah telah membuka mata saya..hehe..lega selega-leganya..saya tidak menyesal malah saya sangat bahagia..teruskan smuanya mun ktk rasa ktk happy dgn cara hidup yala..i'm not ur ghost anymore..All I can say now... thank u for loving me even if its fake. Thank u for leaving me without reason. Thank u for sacrifice ur time, money n energy being there for me eVen if it "terpaksa". Thanks for everything.

Buzy yet fabulous weekend:)

Last weekend is a very busy week for me.. Celebrating early birthday dinner with my beloved childhood bestfren,assignment presentation, special perhimpunan for MerdekaRaya at maktab, suprise birthday parties by my beloved family and sky garden bestfrens, rumah terbuka lecturer and two friends-ex-collegian wedding to attends. lantakla bi aku lintang pukang..hehe..bha, mls nk cita pnjg..njoy da pix:)

Early birthday celebration with chilfhood bezfren, azimah:)

Thanx dear:) sgt2 knyang..@Bing Jalan KeretaApi
Birthday presents from my beloved bezfen n sis..
Patong besar garis2: Babet
Pororo: Luvly sis lena
Dolphin Gagnam: Dkna & Atol
Black shirt: Nae toek
Watch bing2 rasa org kaya bl pake : Sheeda ssi
Gelang kaki: Win
Many thanx dear..

Kawen nita n dayat: hari akad nikah 1/9/2012

Akad nikah masai n elyas: 31/8/2012

Rumah terbuka cikgu dyg siti hawa:)

selepas sesi perbentangan edu3109

with new bride, masai..smoga jd isteri solehah..

 makan kenyang sampe xingt dunia:)

Day 2: hari persandingan nita n dayat 2/9/2012

3 dara pingitan..nadia bakal mengakhiri zaman bujangnya hjg thun tok...tnggl 2 orang gadis dara bbaju biru agik..hehe